- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
The gradient flow field transformation is a continuous smoothing transformation that removes ultraviolet fluctuations. It can serve as a tool to renormalize quantum field theories, allowing numerical studies of strongly coupled systems. The flow has been used extensively in lattice gauge theory calculations, both in QCD and in beyond the standard model settings for applications including scale setting, the determination of the running coupling constant and the corresponding renormalization group beta function, and the topological structure of the vacuum. Many of the newly emerging applications of the gradient flow depend on the perturbative connection of the gradient flow and continuum renormalization schemes, requiring difficult perturbative calculations that match the non-perturbative lattice methods. This workshop will bring together experts in lattice and perturbative QCD to discuss recent progress in the application of the gradient flow, develop common ideas, identify needs and possibilities for the gradient flow and to spark collaborative efforts.
* Nora Brambilla (Munich) - HQET/NRQCD, high temperature QCD * Luigi DelDebbio (Edinburgh) - Lattice QCD, QCD phenomenology * Partick Fritsch (Dublin) - Lattice QCD * Pilar Hernandez (Valencia) - BSM models, perturbative QCD * Fabian Lange (Karlsruhe) - High order perturbation theory [confirmed] * Maria-Paola Lombardo (INFN) - HQET/NRQCD, high temperature QCD * Julius Kuti (San Diego) - BSM theories on the lattice * Tobias Neumann (BNL) - High order perturbation theory * Daniel Nogradi (Budapest) - Lattice QCD, BSM models on the lattice * Antonio Rago (Plymouth, CERN) - Lattice QCD, BSM models on the lattice * Alberto Ramos (Valencia) - Lattice QCD * Kari Rummakainen (Helsinki) - BSM models on the lattice * Andrea Shindler (Michigan State University) - Lattice QCD, QCD phenomenology [confirmed] * Gerrit Schierholz (DESY) – Lattice QCD, QCD phenomenology [confirmed] * Stefan Sint (Trinity College Dublin) - Lattice QCD * Hiroshi Suzuki (Fukuoka) - Lattice QCD, BSM models on the lattice
Christopher Monahan (William & Mary, United States)
Robert Harlander (Aachen University, Germany)
Anna Hasenfratz (University of Colorado, Boulder, United States)
Oliver Witzel (Siegen University, Germany)