Low Energy Strangeness QCD (LESQCD) governs the interaction, near-threshold, between strange and standard nuclear matter with implications in fundamental physics and astrophysics, where the strength of this interaction impacts the EOS of neutron stars. Given its non-perturbative nature, LESQCD is described by several theoretical models using different approaches. These models need experimental input parameters measurable with various complementary techniques, including kaonic atoms, kaon/hyperon interactions with one or more nucleons, and strangeness femtoscopy. Advancing the theoretical predictions demands improving the quality of the experimental observables; some of them still have to be measured for the first time, and others need a dramatically enhanced precision. A strong collaboration between the theoreticians and the experimentalists is then crucial towards a roadmap for establishing the most relevant measurements to be performed in the future. This is what the ROCKSTAR workshop is aiming at.