Nuclear and Atomic transitions as laboratories for high precision tests of Quantum Gravity inspired models

Aula Leonardi (ECT*)

Aula Leonardi


Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano (Trento)
Antonino Marcianò (Fudan University), Catalina Curceanu (LNF - INFN Frascati), Elisabetta Barberio (Melbourne University), Kristian Piscicchia (Centro Fermi - Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi), Stephon Alexander (Brown University)

The Workshop has the aim to put together in the excellent and stimulating ECT* environment, for the first time in a dedicated and focused meeting,  experimentalists  and  theoreticians working  in high precision studies of atomic and nuclear physics transitions and related fields, and theoreticians who work on developing Quantum Gravity Inspired Models (QGIM) that predict effects, special signatures of the models, which can be measured in atomic and nuclear transitions.

Recent developments of Quantum Gravity inspired models have produced a wealth of new predictions which are being tested in laboratories. In particular, many of these models foresee the non-commutativity of space-time coordinates, which, in turn, induces a deformation of the Lorentz symmetry and of the locality principle and naturally encodes the violation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle. These studies opened a new window of opportunities to test these models by performing high-precision measurements of atomic and nuclear transitions. Our workshop will hinge on the new profound implications of Quantum Gravity models on the nuclear and atomic physics observables and on the experimental constraints on effective quantum gravity models that arise from atomic and nuclear physics experiments. The Workshop will be opened to world-leading experts and young scientists who will explore several quantum gravity scenarios from complementary theoretical top-down and bottom-up approaches, to boost progress in this field.

  • Aleksander Khreptak
  • Alessandro Scordo
  • Alessio Porcelli
  • Amelino-Camelia Giovanni
  • Andrea Addazi
  • Angelo Bassi
  • Antonino Marciano
  • Carlo Guaraldo
  • Catalina Curceanu
  • Diana Sirghi
  • Dipankar Kaundilya
  • Dong Bai
  • Doron Gazit
  • Fabrizio Napolitano
  • Federico Nola
  • Florin Sirghi
  • Francesco Giacosa
  • Francesco Sgaramella
  • Giorgio Torrieri
  • Giovanni Piccoli
  • Jihui Wang
  • Jinglong Liu
  • John Ellis
  • Kristian Piscicchia
  • Matteo Lulli
  • Michal Silarski
  • Michele Arzano
  • Nicolas Yunes
  • Pawan Kumar Sharma
  • Pierluigi BELLI
  • Raffaele Del Grande
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Rita Bernabei
  • Sandro Donadi
  • Simone Manti
  • Vikas Katoch
  • Yong-Shi Wu
Zoom Meeting ID
Susan Driessen
Alternative host
Francesca Capuzzimati
Zoom URL