26–30 Apr 2019
ECT* - Trento
Europe/Rome timezone


Heavy-quark diffusion and Lattice QCD

Not scheduled
ECT* - Trento

ECT* - Trento

Presentation materials

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Salvatore Plumari, Santosh Das, Vincenzo Greco
Jinfeng Liao
Jinfeng Liao
Roland Katz
Steffen Bass, Wenkai Fan
Hendrik van Hees (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Shanshan Cao, Wei-Yao Ke, Mr Xin-Nian Wang - CCNU Wuhan and LBL (CCNU Wuhan and LBL)
Joerg Aichelin, Marlene Nahrgang, Mr Pol Gossiaux - Subatech, Nantes (Subatech, Nantes)
Elena Bratkovskaya, Taesoo Song
Ivan Vitev
Min He, Mr Ralf Rapp - Texas A&M University (Texas A&M University)
No scheduled contributions