Heavy-Flavor Transport in QCD Matter

ECT* - Trento

ECT* - Trento

Ralf Rapp - Texas A&M University (Texas A&M University), Ralf Averbeck - GSI Darmstadt (GSI Darmstadt), Xin Dong - Lawrence Berkeley Lab (Lawrence Berkeley Lab), Pol Gossiaux - Subatech, Nantes (Subatech, Nantes), Xin-Nian Wang - CCNU Wuhan and LBL (CCNU Wuhan and LBL)

Heavy-flavour particles are excellent probes of the strongly coupled medium as produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. To arrive at quantitative extractions of the pertinent transport coefficients, various components in the theoretical description have to be under good control. This workshop will bring together the leading theorists and experimentalist in the field to merge and continue larger-scale efforts towards this goal.





Contact: Staff ECT*
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