List of confirmed talks:
- Joerg Aichelin: "PHQMD , a new approach for heavy ion reactions in the FAIR/NICA energy regime, which includes the production of clusters"
- Chris Allton: "Light baryons: from the hadronic to the plasma phase"
- Alexei Bazavov: "The QCD equation of state at finite temperature and density"
- Victor Begun: "Freeze-out parameters reachable in a rapidity scan in the AFTER@LHC project"
- David Blaschke: "Formation of hadrons at chemical freeze-out"
- Marcus Bluhm: "Strangeness fluctuations near the QCD phase boundary"
- Elena Bratkovskaya: "Dynamical description of strongly interacting matter at finite temperature and baryon-chemical potential"
- Peter Braun-Munzinger: "Production of loosely bound states in high energy nuclear collisions and implications"
- Adam Bzdak: "Fluctuation and the QCD phase diagram"
- Massimo D'Elia: "The QCD crossover line from lattice simulations"
- Benjamin Doenigus: "Production of (Anti-)(Hyper-)Nuclei, Exotica and Resonances with ALICE at the LHC"
- Alexandra Friesen: "The kaon-to-pion ratio in PNJL model"
- Tetyana Galatyuk: "What HADES e+e- excess radiation can tell us about system thermalisation"
- Rajiv V. Gavai: "Quark Number Susceptibilities & Equation of State at finite mu"
- Mark Gorenstein: "Critical Point Fluctuations in Strongly Interacting Matter Created in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions"
- Carsten Greiner: "Hagedorn gas with crossover transition meets lattice QCD"
- Jana Guenther: "Fluctuations and cross correlations from imaginary chemical potential"
- Ulli Heinz: "“Chemical” vs. “kinetic” freeze-out of light nuclei"
- Alexander Kalweit: "Light flavour and (anti-)nuclei production from small to large systems at LHC energies"
- Volker Koch
- Manuel Lorenz: "Hadronen, strangeness und freeze-out at high muB"
- Marlene Nahrgang : "Strangeness fluctuations near the QCD phase boundary"
- Alice Ohlson: "Measuring net-lambda fluctuations in Pb-Pb collisions using the Identity Method in ALICE"
- Dima Oliinychenko: "Deuterons at LHC: ``snowballs in hell'' via hydrodynamics and hadronic afterburner"
- Claudia Ratti: "Fluctuations from lattice QCD and HRG model"
- Krzysztof Redlich: "Particle production and QCD thermodynamics in S-matrix appoach"
- Anar Rustamov: "THE criticality in hot QCD matter probed with fluctuations"
- Helmut Satz: "Strangeness production and color deconfinement"
- Christian Schmidt: "Fluctuations along the QCD phase boundary"
- Johanna Stachel: "Quarkonia as a probe of the phase boundary - what LHC data teach us"
- Horst Stöcker: "Neutron Star mergers in the QCD phase diagram"
- Joachim Stroth: "Thermal aspects of particle emission at SIS18 energies"
- David Tlusty: " Bulk Properties extracted from the STAR BES-I and future goals for the BES-II "
- Volodymyr Vovchenko: "Recent thermal model developments and applications with a new Thermal-FIST package"