Opening day
Submission deadline
Welcome to the Abstract Submission section: the Call for Abstracts (both Oral and Poster contributions) will close on April 15th, 2025 - after which no contributions will be accepted nor authors will be allowed to modify the submitted ones.
By adding a new contribution, you will be prompted to fill in a short form requiring a title and a list of authors (within which a speaker must be specified). Optional references (max. 5) shall be included in the body of the abstract, which must not exceed 350 words (references included).
Prior to abstract submission, you will be required to have or create an Indico account (the latter will take a few minutes) via which you'll be able to add new contributions and modify the existing ones. Should you require support, do not hesitate to contact us or the ECT* staff.
Please note that registration for the workshop is mandatory even in the case of an accepted contribution, and should be performed via the dedicated section of the website before May 30th, 2025.