Welcome to the Trento edition of the StatPhys29 satellite workshops! As the title suggest, the event will gather young researchers and leading experts in the fields of computational biophysics, statistical mechanics and machine learning, to discuss the challenges and crossroads that stand before biomolecular simulations in the machine learning era.
Here (and in the dedicated sections of the website) you’ll find all relevant information on the workshop and the venue - although feel free to contact us anytime at biomol.ai_ws.phys@unitn.it.
Posters and oral contributions will be admitted upon evaluation and acceptance, and participation in the event will be totally free of charge. We look forward to seeing you in Trento!
Purpose of the workshop
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Paolo Carloni (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
Michele Cascella (University of Oslo, Norway)
Oleksandra Kukharenko (Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany)
Rémi Monasson (CNRS & Ecole Normale Supérieure, France)
Agnes Noy (University of York, United Kingdom)
- Elena Papaleo (Danish Cancer Institute, Denmark)
Important dates and information
Registration and abstract submission opening: February 15th 2025
- Abstract submission deadline: April 15th 2025
- Registration deadline: May 30th 2025
- To apply for an Oral or Poster contribution, please refer to the Call for Abstracts section of the website and fill in the associated form.
- To register for the workshop, please refer to the Registration section of the website and fill in the associated form.
- Please note that both abstract submission and registration for the event require you to have or create an Indico account. Should you need support, do not hesitate to contact us or the ECT* staff.
Social events
Two social events are foreseen during the workshop, namely:
A "welcome pizza", which will take place on the evening of July 7th (Monday)
The social dinner, which will take place on the evening of July 9th (Wednesday)
Please, beware that the expenses relative to both events will be covered by the participants. Please indicate in the Registration form if you are willing to attend.
Co-organizing Institutions