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The study of short-lived states, whether at the edge of nuclear stability or just above a reaction threshold, represents a complex and multifaceted domain where few-body physics emerges from the interactions of many nucleons. Recent years have seen a surge in experimental observations that continue to challenge our current models of the nucleus. As instrumentation advances rapidly, a widening gap has emerged between nuclear modeling capabilities and the data being collected. 

To address this gap and stimulate new ideas and collaborations, this workshop proposes a fresh approach by reimagining the traditional format. We aim to shift the focus toward young scientists with an interest in nuclear physics and few-body systems. By empowering these emerging researchers to cross disciplinary boundaries, share techniques, and collaborate on unresolved problems - identified by senior theorists and experimentalists or newly raised during the workshop - we hope to break the current impasse in theoretical modeling and to connect different generations working in the rich and exciting field of nuclear few-body physics.


Aula Renzo Leonardi
Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano (Trento)
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Information for participants here