13–17 Mar 2023
Europe/Rome timezone

On conductivities in anomalous hydrodynamics

16 Mar 2023, 15:30
Aula Renzo Leonardi (ECT*)

Aula Renzo Leonardi


Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano (Trento)


Daniel Brattan (CPhT, Ecole Polytechnique)


In this talk I will review some recent results on conductivities in anomalous hydrodynamics. In particular, I will discuss our recent paper [2212.09761] which demonstrates that when the magnetic field is treated as order one in derivatives the gauge anomaly makes no contribution to the appropriately truncated low frequency conductivity. I will also argue that there is a preferential choice for the anomalous contributions to the constitutive relations which can be seen by treating the magnetic field as order zero in derivatives. Then I will discuss upcoming results on relaxation terms in relaxed or quasihydrodynamics and their relevance for anomalous transport.

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