4–8 Jun 2018
ECT* - Villa Tambosi - Trento
Europe/Rome timezone

Scientific Goals

We are proposing a workshop to bring together nuclear physicists who work on developing new fit strategies, different regularization and power-counting schemes, and who explore paths of matching nuclear interactions to lattice QCD simulations, i.e., specialists in the construction of nuclear Hamiltonians and experts in many-body calculations of systems ranging from nuclei to nuclear matter, with the goal of identifying possible future pathways and novel constraints that can be used to further improve our understanding of nuclear interactions. This will enable accurate predictions of the equation of state of nuclear matter, the nuclear symmetry energy and its density dependence, nuclear energy levels far away from stability, or ab initio nuclear matrix elements for neutrinoless double beta decay, and further impacts predictions for astrophysics, e.g., for the structure and the mass-radius relation of neutron stars, nucleosynthesis and the r-process path, and simulations of supernovae and neutron-star mergers.

We believe that such a workshop would be very timely to help coordinate the various efforts within the community and to develop a common and organized approach to further improve nuclear interactions. We hope to foster collaboration between experts working on the many aspects of nuclear interactions and practitioners, which is needed for future high-precision calculations of nuclei and matter from nuclear physics to astrophysics.


  • Current limitations of nuclear Hamiltonians


  • Improving two- and many-body nuclear forces with novel fitting strategies and higher orders in chiral EFT


  • Constraining nuclear forces with few- and many-body observables


  • Power counting: Beyond Weinberg (?)


  • Constraining nuclear forces from lattice QCD calculations