Key Reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics

Virtual (ECT* - Trento)


ECT* - Trento

Zoom Platform
Aurora Tumino - Facoltà di Architettura e Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” & INFN-LNS (Facoltà di Architettura e Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” & INFN-LNS), Jordi José - Dept. Physics, Technical University of Catalonia EEBE- UPC) (Dept. Physics, Technical University of Catalonia EEBE- UPC)), Carlos Bertulani - Department of Physics Texas A&M University-Commerce (Department of Physics Texas A&M University-Commerce ), Roland Diehl - Max Planck Institut fiir extraterrestrische Physik (Max Planck Institut fiir extraterrestrische Physik), Livius Trache (IFIN-HH Magurele-BUCHAREST)

Key Reactions in Nuclear Astrophysics

The workshop intends to discuss existing results in nuclear astrophysics and to identify key reactions for which the stable and RIB facilities need to assess information of interest for nuclear astrophysics. Physicists working on stellar modeling and observations (astronomy, cosmochemistry …) together with theoreticians and experimentalists working on nuclear reactions will meet with the purpose of identifying stellar scenarios needing nuclear reaction data that make sizable difference in stellar evolution and the optimal methods to obtain them.



Contact: Staff
    • 14:30 14:40
      Welcome and Introduction by the organizers 10m
      Speakers: Mrs Aurora Tumino (Facoltà di Architettura e Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” & INFN-LNS), Mr Carlos Bertulani (Department of Physics Texas A&M University-Commerce ), José Jordi (Technical University of Catalonia), Livius Trache (“Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear), Mr Roland Diehl (Max Planck Institut fiir extraterrestrische Physik)
    • 14:40 14:45
      Welcome ECT* Director | Gert Aarts 5m
    • 14:45 15:50
      Astrophysical Environments
      Convener: Dr Spartà Roberta (LNS INFN, Catania, Italy)
      • 14:50
        Evolution and nucleosynthesis of massive stars 30m
        Speaker: Alessandro Chieffi (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica – IAPS, Rome, Italy)
      • 15:20
        He burning reactions in low mass stars 30m
        Speaker: Scilla Degl’Innocenti (Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa, Italy)
    • 15:50 17:20
      Heavy-Ion Fusion Reactions
      Convener: Dr Heshani Jayatissa (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 15:55
        Experimental results on 12C+12C fusion reaction with Stella 30m
        Speaker: Sandrine Courtin (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, Strasbourg, France)
      • 16:25
        Discussion 10m
      • 16:35
        Break 15m
      • 16:50
        Study of ion-ion fusion mechanisms at sub-barrier energies for nuclear astrophysics 30m
        Speaker: Alexandra Spiridon (“Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear)
    • 17:20 18:35
      Heavy-Ion Fusion Reactions (2) & 12C(a,g)
      Convener: Dario Lattuada (Univerisità KORE di ENNA & INFN-LNS)
      • 17:25
        Indirect studies of key reactions in the nucleosynthesis of massive stars 30m
        Speaker: Giuseppe Gabriele Rapisarda (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia «Ettore Majorana», Università degli Studi di Catania & INFN-INS, Catania, Italy)
      • 17:55
        Precision measurement of the 12C(a,g) reaction with gamma-beam and an O-TPC 30m
        Speakers: Prof. Moshe Gai (University of Connecticut), Robin Smith (Sheffield Hallam University & University of Connecticut, USA)
      • 18:25
        Discussion 10m
  • Wednesday 23 June
    • 14:30 15:35
      The r Process
      Convener: Kelsey Lund (North Carolina State University)
      • 14:30
        Origin of r-process elements in the Universe 30m
        Speaker: Taka Kajino (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan & Beihang University, Beijing, China)
      • 15:00
        Nuclear Physics Issues in r-Process Nucleosynthesis 30m
        Speaker: Grant Mathews (Center for Astrophysics, Notre Dame University, Indiana)
    • 15:35 17:05
      Astrophysical Sources
      Convener: Bharat Mishra (INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud , via S. Sofia 62, 95123 Catania, ITALY)
      • 15:40
        Multi-messenger signals from explosive events 30m
        Speaker: Carla Frohlich (Department of Physics, North Carolina State University, North Carolina)
      • 16:10
        Discussion 10m
      • 16:20
        Break 15m
      • 16:35
        Nuclear physics uncertainties in r-process observables 30m
        Speaker: Rebecca Surman (Dept. of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Indiana)
    • 17:05 18:15
      Aspects of Astrophysical Sources
      Convener: Luca Boccioli (University of Notre Dame)
      • 17:15
        Nucleosynthesis of heavy nuclei in core-collapse supernova neutrino-driven winds 30m
        Speaker: Jorge Pereira (National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, Michigan)
      • 17:45
        Sensitivity of the Observed Kilonova Signal to Nuclear Physics 20m
        Speaker: Kelsey Lund (North Carolina State University)
      • 18:05
        Discussion 10m