28 July 2025 to 1 August 2025
Europe/Rome timezone

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The charge radius is a fundamental property of the nucleus, whose knowledge has implications in the development of nuclear structure theory, precision QED tests and searches for physics beyond the Standard model (BSM). Spectroscopy of muonic atoms has produced charge radii with unprecedented precision. Laser spectroscopy is the leading technology to determine charge radii of H and He, while low temperature microcalorimeters as metallic magnetic calorimeters allow a ten-fold improvement for the lightest nuclei (up to Z~10). On the theory side, progress depends critically on a better understanding of nucleon and nuclear polarizabilities, which traditionally constitute the main systematic limitation.
The aim of this workshop is to discuss the innovative technologies for high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy, and to discuss necessary improvements on the theoretical side, required to match the experimental accuracies. In addition, perspectives for testing BSM will be presented. 


Aula Renzo Leonardi
Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano (Trento)
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Information for participants here