Current public-key cryptography standard is based on the RSA algorithm [1], whose security relies on the practical difficulty of factoring semiprimes as the product of two large prime numbers. While traditionally applied for encryption, lattice-based cryptography, as exemplified by Schnorr's algorithm [2], offers a different avenue to decompose RSA keys. This algorithm encodes prime factors into optimal solutions of NP-hard mathematical lattice problems, specifically the closest vector problem (CVP). However, the inherent difficulty in solving CVPs, even for moderately sized RSA integers, hinders efficient factorization.
A recent alternative approach [3] encodes optimal CVP solutions into low-energy eigenstates of a spin-glass Hamiltonian. Leveraging tensor network (TN) methods for extensive simulation of many-body systems [4], we present a quantum-inspired approach to efficiently extract optimal solutions from these CVP spectra.
We report a systematic numerical analysis of our TN-factoring method and we factorize RSA semiprimes up to more than 100 bits. This is the largest RSA number reached with Schnorr’s sieving method to date. Moreover, we present a detailed resource assessment for targeting cryptographic keys of hundreds of bits on a standard cluster. Finally, we discuss the extrapolation of these findings towards the widely adopted RSA-2048 cryptosystem. Our TN approach provides insights into the practical implications of Schnorr’s lattice-based quantum algorithm, contributing to the ongoing discussion on cryptographic security in the context of emerging quantum computing methodologies.
[1] R. L. Rivest et al., A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems, Communications of the ACM, 21 (2) (1978), pp: 120-126
[2] C. P. Schnorr, Fast Factoring Integers by SVP Algorithms (corrected), Cryptology ePrint Archive (2021), 933
[3] B. Yan et al., Factoring integers with sublinear resources on a superconducting quantum processor, arXiv (2022), 2212.12372
[4] S. Montangero, Introduction to Tensor Network Methods: Numerical simulations of low-dimensional many-body quantum systems, Springer (2018), 978-3-030-01409-4