6–10 May 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Harnessing quantum emitter rings for efficient energy transport and trapping

9 May 2024, 11:00
Talk Talks


Raphael Holzinger (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck)


Efficient transport and harvesting of excitation energy under low light conditions is an important process in nature and quantum technologies alike. Here we formulate a quantum optics perspective to excitation energy transport in configurations of two-level quantum emitters with a particular emphasis on eciency and robustness against disorder. We study a periodic geometry of emitter rings with subwavelength spacing, where collective electronic states emerge due to near-field dipole-dipole interactions. The system gives rise to collective subradiant states that are particularly suited to excitation transport and are protected from energy disorder and radiative decoherence. Comparing ring geometries with other configurations shows that that the former are more ecient in absorbing, transporting, and trapping incident light. Because our findings are agnostic as to the specific choice of quantum emitters, they indicate general design principles for quantum technologies with superior photon transport properties and may elucidate potential mechanisms resulting in the highly ecient energy transport eciencies in natural light-harvesting systems.

Abstract category Quantum Optics

Primary author

Raphael Holzinger (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck)


Prof. Helmut Ritsch (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck) Mr Jonah Peter (Harvard University) Dr Stefan Ostermann (Harvard University) Prof. Susanne Yelin (Harvard University)

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