15–18 Oct 2018
ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Europe/Rome timezone
The theme 'indico-weeks-view' does not exist.

Observables of Hadronization and the QCD Phase Diagram in the Cross-over Domain

The position, and the nature of the QCD confinement transition QCD phase diagram remains an essential, open topic of QCD. At low baryochemical potential Lattice QCD has demonstrated a crossover transition for chiral symmetry breaking at T=154 MeV. This domain is covered in nuclear collisions at LHC and RHIC energies which have presented a wealth of relevant data, such as hadron multiplicities and fluctuations of conserved net charges. These data have been confronted with numerical lattice QCD calculations of charge susceptibilities, and various models of an equilibrium Hadron-Resonance Gas (HRG), as well as with transport models. The workshop will attempt a coherent discussion of the open problems of the various theoretical efforts, such as: hadronization, sequential freeze-out, final state distortions, LQCD at finite mu(B), variants of the HRG model, and identification of a critical point of QCD, to arrive at a state-of-the-art view of the QCD phase diagram.

ECT*                     FBK                      H4F


ECT* - Villa Tambosi
Meeting room
Strada delle Tabarelle, 286 38123 - Villazzano (TN) Italy

Registration period:  30 July 2018 to 23 September 2018